Chairs' Statement:
Integrity Education in Undergraduate Curricula

Can integrity education be a safeguard against corruption, fraud, human rights violations, corporate decisions leading to inequality and climate change?

Integrity is about making difficult choices between conflicting values. These occur in everyday practice within every profession, organisation or community. The choices that are made are moral in nature and presuppose autonomous persons. Can you prepare young people for these choices? Aren’t these choices too dependent on the context? Are they not choices that are partly made within the professional group, organisation or community? In short: isn’t integrity education at universities too early and detached from practice? When it comes to truly moral choices, you can also ask yourself whether a course in integrity in higher education is not too late? The development of the conscience, as Kohlberg has shown, has already taken place, hasn’t it?

I am looking forward to exciting presentations and an interactive and sharp discussion.

Short Bio: Johan Wempe holds a chair in Business Ethics at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Johan held a chair in Business Ethics at the Rotterdam School of Management and at Nyenrode Business University. He held a chair in Governance at Saxion University. He was a visiting research scholar at the George Town University, Washington. Johan was founder and the first director of CSR Netherlands. He was founder and director/partner of KPMG Sustainability. He was one of the initiators and chairman of the Dutch Business Ethics Network (NBN). He was member of the Standing Committee on Bribery and Extortion of ICC. Johan Wempe wrote many articles and books on business ethics, corporate integrity, corporate governance, corruption prevention and CSR.

Johan Wempe was born in 1952, in The Hague, The Netherlands. He holds doctorate degrees in business administration (Erasmus University) and in philosophy (University of Utrecht). He received a PhD from the Erasmus University.